Wednesday, April 17, 2013

While I Continue To Wait

Nobody like waiting. Pick in time period in history and the human condition is the same, we are an impatient lot. With that said, I laugh at how busy I am while I am waiting.  With school and NCLEX behind me, all the things I wanted to do then are not filling my days as I wait for my first nurse position.  I believe that is how it is supposed to be. Just because we're done with school doesn't mean we should just sit around and wait for a job.  You have got to be busy.


Well for one, it will help keep you "distracted" while others are seeming to walk into positions and no one seems to be offering you anything.  Nurse position hiring is a cyclical creature that goes round and round with highs and lows.  As we're are getting dizzy waiting, we also understand that our profession in different areas of the country are very competitive and tight.  Unless you're the daughter of the CEO or department chief, it's very challenging, even for internals already working at their chosen hospital but can't find open positions for what they now have a degree in.

Fret not.

We know that this is not forever.  Use this as an opportunity to learn about a topic in nursing that either the program wasn't able to cover or go more in deeply into.  Show potential employers that you are eager and/or willing to learn and be a self starter.

I've taken additional certification classes, while reviewing my nursing school notes to keep my skills and information current.  You never know what you might be asked at an interview, best not to forget why oxygen is important and the numbers you are looking for.  Since I have a "great relationship" with math I pull out my drug calculation book just to keep myself sharp. 

No I'm not showing off, but I want demonstrate that I will be an asset to my future healthcare network home and the time and money they will invest in me will not be wasted.

Another project I have in the works is getting my "natural padding" under control.  I swear I've put on more weight in nursing school than all my pregnancies combined! So to make sure that I can give credibility to what I will be teaching my patients I need to make sure I am on the road to good health. (You girl is working on it, down 10 pounds already.)

So as I continue to wait I am excited about all I am getting done, started, planned and moving. Who knew I could have so much fun before the real fun starts?!  Hee-hee, ya I knew, since I always try to bring the fun with me.

What will you do while you wait? Be sure to take out some time to have some fun too! Happy and Healthy Waiting!!

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