Monday, February 25, 2013

New Chapter

NCLEX passed, license received and now the real fun begins.  I have revamped and revamped again my resume, tidied up my cover letters and added a few more professional references.  There seems to be a fine line between expressing interest and begging for a position.  I see why some people get discouraged, early on.  Excellent grades are a  plus but who you know is so much more.

I am not worried, but I am trying to keep from putting all  my eggs in one basket.  I believe as long as I am in a medical-surgical unit in a hospital that puts patients first and strives to bring evidence based practices into actual practice I will have a great time.

It has been weird not studying my butt off like a crazy women.  Will spend some time reviewing some fundamentals and critical care.  I think I'll take everyone's blood pressure today so I keep my skills current.
So far I am enjoying the opening pages of this new chapter!